beban virus bahasa Inggris
- beban: burden; encumrance; load; expense; tax; weight;
- virus: viral; virus; bug; glitch; computer virus
- beban: burden; encumrance; load; expense; tax; weight; preventative; payload; incumbrance; recumb; laden; cargo; insistence; imperativeness; load up; charge; press; interference; lading; shipment; recline;
- beban-beban pelayanan: burdens of the serving
- karena virus: viral
- keluarga virus: virus families
- klasifikasi virus: virus classification; baltimore (virus classification)
- latensi virus: virus latency
- pengelasan virus: virus classification
- penyakit virus: viral diseases
- portal:virus: viruses
- protein virus: viral protein
- replikasi virus: viral replication
- selubung virus: viral envelope
- topik virus: virus topics
- Boot viruses place some of their code in the start-up disk sector to automatically execute when booting. Therefore, when an infected machine boots, the virus loads and runs.
virus boot menempatkan beberapa kode mereka di sektor disk start-up untuk secara otomatis mengeksekusi ketika booting. Oleh karena itu, ketika sepatu bot mesin yang terinfeksi, beban virus dan berjalan.